Soroptimist International of America
Soroptimist was formed in 1921 in Oakland, California, at a time when women were not permitted to join service organizations. Our name, loosely translated from Latin, means best for women. Today, we have about 160,000 members and support 21 countries and territories. We are one of four federations that make up Soroptimist International, which has club in more than 120 countries throughout the world.
Soroptimist International of Azusa Glendora
Soroptimist International of Azusa Glendora was founded in 1950 by a group of women who wanted to make a difference in the lives of women and girls in their local community. Today, we have 30 members that come together by providing community support through our programs and events.
Who We Are and What We Do
Part of Soroptimist International (SI), the Azusa Glendora Soroptimists help women and girls achieve their dreams through education that leads to economic empowerment, thus improving their lives and the lives of their families and their communities. SI’s motto, “Investing in Dreams,” is reflected in our annual programs and events—all of which are free to the women and girls we serve.
Building a Better World One Girl at a Time:
This program focuses on building self-esteem in 5th grade girls. Fifth grade is a pivotal time in a girl’s life, when she is forming her identity and self-perception, things that will positively or negatively impact her teen years and adult life. This well-attended half-day workshop is open to girls in Azusa, Glendora and Charter Oak schools. It features interactive activities, such as Who’s in Your Circle, creating Dream Catchers and a dance workshop. There are also sessions on internet safety, bullying and achieving goals. A light breakfast and lunch help girls stay focused, and each girl goes home with a door prize. This program is free to attendees and one that is unique to Azusa Glendora Soroptimists.
Live Your Dream Award
This program supports women who are head-of-household and who have committed themselves to improving their lives through education. In a competitive process that focuses on both determination and financial need, Live Your Dream (LYD) is an SI signature program. Based on evidence of the life-changing potential of this award, Azusa Glendora Soroptimists have one of the most generous LYD programs among clubs in the region. We offer two $2,000 awards to two deserving women each year. The club also remains connected to previous winners, providing a personal touch to keep them motivated. Many of our previous winners have earned bachelor’s degrees, are working toward advance degrees, or are now part of the 21st Century workforce. These awards are presented at our annual Auction Brunch, where each winner tells her story.
Dream It, Be It
Designed for high school girls, Dream It, Be It is also a signature SI program. The six-hour workshop offered to girls attending local schools features a curriculum designed to make girls aware of their individual interests and talents and provide information on corresponding career opportunities made possible through education. The morning workshops are taught by Azusa Glendora Soroptimists who are professional women and leaders in their fields. There are special guest speakers, interactive sessions and food, and door prizes are drawn throughout the day. Attendee evaluations indicate that participants leave feeling more confident about their futures; understood how their values connect to possible careers, and had an opportunity to create achievable goals for their futures. There is no cost to attendees.
Cherish the Child, A Parent’s Guide to Human Trafficking Every 30 seconds, another person becomes a victim of human trafficking. Cherish the Child is a new Azusa Glendora Soroptimist program designed to raise community awareness of this problem that is a growing threat to society. Although still in the planning stages, it will be designed as an event for the entire family, featuring workshops for various age groups, speakers who are experts in the field of human trafficking, activities for children and panel discussions with survivors. Admission will be free, and there will be food available for purchase.
Personal Growth Awards
The Personal Growth Award recognizes local middle school girls who have overcome adverse situations in their middle school years. Nominated by their school counselors, these young women are encouraged to tell their stories in a safe, supportive environment. Guests include their counselors, school principals and superintendents, family members and representatives from local elected officials who present each girl with a certificate of recognition. In addition to lunch, these girls receive a bag with fun items and gift cards and $50 Kohl’s cards. Their names are also added to engraved plaques that are on display at their school site. This program is free to attendees and unique to Azusa Glendora Soroptimists. Supporting Women and Girls Locally, Nationally and Internationally.
Each year, the Azusa Glendora Soroptimist devotes a portion of their budget to worthwhile programs in our local communities, as well as national and international programs, such as:
Azusa Food Bank
Homework House
Glendora Shepherd’s Pantry
Glendora Welfare Association
House of Ruth
Shoes that Fit
YWCA Wings
Soroptimist International of the Americas
Hope Matters International
All Azusa Glendora Soroptimist programs are funded through members’ fundraising efforts, which include our Annual Auction Brunch, Quartermania, auction meetings, and various others. We are also grateful for the support of donors.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empower.

Our Vision
Women and girls will achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide